Alia Bhatt’s critically acclaimed performance in Imtiaz Ali’s Highway is celebrated as a turning point in her Bollywood career. However, she wasn’t the director’s first choice for the lead role. Initially, Imtiaz Ali planned to cast an older actress, believing the film’s mature themes required someone over 30.
In an interview with Mukesh Chhabra on Mashable India, Imtiaz shared, “I always thought I would cast someone above 30. Since it was a mature subject, I didn’t consider younger actresses initially.” Despite this, Alia’s raw talent and emotional depth impressed him enough to make a bold decision.
Her transformative portrayal of Veera in Highway not only won critical acclaim but also showcased her versatility as an actress. Today, the film stands as a testament to Alia Bhatt’s exceptional acting prowess and Imtiaz Ali’s knack for unconventional storytelling.