Television host and former Roadies icon, Raghu Ram, recently shared insights into why he, along with his twin brother Rajiv Lakshman, chose to step away from the iconic reality show. Known for their no-nonsense, confrontational style, the duo became synonymous with Roadies. However, Raghu revealed that mounting pressure from the channel to adopt an overly aggressive demeanor ultimately led to their departure in 2014.
“Too Much Interference”
In an interview on the Untriggered with Amin Jaz podcast, Raghu candidly discussed how interference from the channel changed the dynamics of the show. He admitted that he and Rajiv were asked to “scream at people” to amplify the show’s drama, which clashed with their creative integrity.
Raghu said, “We were told to scream at people. It’s either that, or you have to dance to their tune. It’s a good problem because you are a success, but now you are no longer you. You belong to them.”
The brothers eventually decided to leave, unwilling to compromise their authenticity. Raghu added, “Rajiv and I walked off because there was too much interference. What Roadies is today is exactly what the makers want it to be. But it’s not what I wanted to make.”
The Persona Behind the Camera
Raghu also reflected on his on-screen persona, revealing that it was deeply influenced by his personal struggles and frustrations with society.
“I was going through a f****d-up time where that guy (the Raghu on Roadies) was an extreme expression of my rage. It connected because I was honest… It didn’t come out because I thought it would work. Probably you are not connecting with it (now) because it’s not honest,” he explained.
Reflecting on His Journey
While acknowledging that his tough approach drew criticism, Raghu stood by his actions, stating, “I was doing a job. Is it right or wrong? I don’t know. If you hate me for what I did, then guilty as charged. I am not apologetic to you about it.”
Raghu and Rajiv were integral in shaping Roadies into a cult phenomenon. However, their decision to leave highlights the challenges of maintaining authenticity in the entertainment industry. As the duo moved on, the show evolved, but for fans, the era of Raghu and Rajiv remains iconic.